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Parshas Mishpatim

  Watch a 20 second summary of Parshat Mishpatim. You can download these adorable puppets by clicking  here ! The set includes the entire Sefer Shemot. We also have coloring pages available  here . Mishpatim Parsha Summary and activities This week's parsha has many laws. We focused on kosher, not telling a lie and returning a lost object. We learned about Kosher. In parshas mishpatim , we learn that we’re not allowed to mix meat and milk. We spoke about kosher symbols that make food kosher and then we talked about what foods are meat, dairy or parve.  We sorted a basket of food into the proper categories. We made meat and dairy placemats. We learned how to properly set a table, so we drew the place settings on our placemat and then drew our favorite meat and dairy foods on the plates of each placemat.   W e turned over our dramatic play area into a Kosher Supermarket! We learned about nutrition. We read the book, “The Little Seed” and spoke about differe...

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