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Purim Ideas

Watch the story of Purim in 50 seconds featuring our adorable Purim puppets . This was our bulletin board. The children made their own Purim characters and depictions of the 4 mitzvot of Purim. Each shape is another Mitzvah and the puppets in the middle are the different Purim characters. Underneath, the children wrote the name of the person they created. Purim bulletin board Our highlight!! The children loved creating these. It was a 3 week process. The students created them however they wished. I set out trays of different things they could use for eyes, nose, mouth, hair. I had different crowns they were able to trace and decide which one they wanted to use and different color paper. The tail on Vashti is a pipe cleaner. This was an absolute hit! For our Graggers, we decorated water bottles with cut streamers. We then tested different sounds by filling a variety of containers with beans, rice, magic nuudles, lentils, pompoms, beans and buttons. We tried to pre...

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