
Showing posts with the label 10 makot

Parshas Bo

Watch a 20 second summary of Parshat Bo. You can download these adorable puppets by clicking  here ! The set includes the entire Sefer Shemot. We also have coloring pages available  here . Bo Parsha Summary I taught the children that every letter in the alef bet  corresponds to a number. ב =2 and א =1 which equals 3. In this week’s parsha  there are 3 Makkos - the numerical of equivalent of Bo is 3. We heard about Arbeh - locusts  which came in a giant wind and ate up all the crops and food. Then there was Choshech - darkness . First the Egyptians  couldn’t see anything and after 3 days, they were frozen in place. That’s when the Jewish people  looked to see where they kept their gold and silver for when it would be time to take it when they left Egypt .  It’s also when Hashem  punished the Jews  that didn’t believe they would be taken out of Egypt  or complained about it so that the Egyptians  wouldn’t see that they were getting punished too.  Hashem gave the Jewish people  the mitz

Parshas Va'era

Watch a 20 second summary of Parshat Va'era. You can download these adorable puppets by clicking  here ! The set includes the entire Sefer Shemot. We also have coloring pages available  here . Va'era Parsha Summary We learned about how when Moshe  went to Pharaoh  and told him to let the Jewish people go. Pharaoh  said, who is this G-d? Moshe th rew his stick on the ground and it turned into a snake.  Pharaoh wasn’t impressed because his magicians were able to do the same thing. But when Moshe's  stick ate up the other sticks, the magicians couldn’t do that.  Hashem sent the first makka  of blood . Aharon  hit the    Nile river with the stick and it turned to blood. We learned that Moshe  didn’t hit the Nile  or the ground by  because the Nile  protected him when he was a baby and the ground also when he buried the Mitzri .  We learned about hakarat hatov - acknowledging when someone does something for us . If Moshe  had to be careful about the feelings of water and the g