
Showing posts with the label Chayei Sara

Parshas Chayei Sara

Click here to purchase our adorable puppets and props set for sefer beraishit. Here is a quick 30 second summary of the parsha featuring our puppets available for download. We learned all about camels, how much water they drink. We learned about the 3 miracles of Sara's tent and focused on Challah. To bring out the point of how much work it was for Rivka to gather enough water for 10 camels, I had students come up and spoon water out of a bucket into a small "trough". They saw how long it took and I said, can you imagine how much work it was for Rivka to feed all these camels?!! Parshas Chayei Sara Crafts We made camel handprints and use a paintbrush to create the humps. When it was dry, we added a face, tail and trough with marker. We also focused on the number 10 and sequenced camels from 1-10. We created Sarah's tent. They traced a triangle and cut it out. placed "clouds" made of cotton balls on the tent. The candles are made of pipe c