Parshas Vayeitzei

View this week's parsha video in 30 seconds featuring our parsha puppets available for purchase.

Parsha summary

We learned that Yaakov ran away to Charan because Esav wanted to hurt him. He stopped off at the yeshiva of shem and ever for 14 years. Then he traveled to Charan. On the way, Hashem made the sun set as he got to Har Hamoriah so he davened ma'ariv.

Before he went to sleep, he placed 12 stones around his head to protect him. All the stones wanted to be under his head, so Hashem merged them all into 1 stone. Yaakov had a dream of a ladder with malachim going up and down. The angels coming down were coming to protect him in Charan. Hashem promised Yaakov that his children will be as many as the stars in the sky and the sand on the ground. 

Yaakov went to Charan. When he got there, he saw the shepherds standing around the well which had a large stone covering it. Yaakov lifted off the stone as if it wasn’t heavy. He met Rochel and asked her if he can stay in Lavn's house. Lavan came to greet Yaakov, but really he was checking his pockets for jewels and money. Yaakov didn’t have any because Elifaz took it all.

Yaakov wanted to marry Rochel and Lavan said he had to work for 7 years in order to marry her.  

Lavan tricked Yaakov and gave him Leah to marry. After a week, Yaakov married Rochel and then had to work another 7 years. Leah had children right away and Rochel didn’t. 

Leah had 6 of the shevatim and one girl - Dina.Yaakov married Bilha and Zilpa and had 2 of the shevatim with each of them. 

Rochel had Yosef and Binyamin. Yaakov left Lavan's house to go back to Eretz Yisrael. Lavan got angry that they left without saying goodbye. Hashem told Lavan not to hurt Yaakov. Rochel took Lavan’s idols and Lavan couldn’t find them.

Parshas Vayeitzei Coloring Sheets and Activity Pages

You can get these Vayeitzei coloring pages here. There's a page about Yaakov and his dream and another with the shevatim and Rochel and Leah.
 Get these creative Vayeitzei activity sheets here. There's a ladder maze where you have to help the angels up and down the ladder. For the other activity page you need to guide the shevatim to their mother by following the correct path.

Parshas Vayeitzei craft

We made a craft depicting Yaakov’s dream. We used black construction paper. We formed the ladder with popsicle sticks and made malachim (angels) on the ladder using cotton balls.

We cut out and colored in a person to be Yaakov and put magic nuudles around his head as the stones. Then we used chalk to draw stars in the sky.

Yaakov sleeping and dreaming about the malachim coming to protect him.

Parsha Drawing Journal

Every week, we draw a picture of the parsha (I always did it before shabbos party after reviewing the parsha of the week) and send it home at the end of the Chumash. I love that the children get to tell the story of the parsha in their own words. It is remarkable to see how much their handwriting and drawing skills improve from the beginning to the end of the book.

Download the Parsha drawing journal here.

Parshas Vayeitzei Song

Click here for a parsha song from 613 Torah Ave.
