Kever Rochel Craft - Yud Alef Cheshvan


kever rochel torn paper mosaic craft

Rochel Imeinu, our beloved matriarch, holds a special place in the hearts of many. Her yartzeit, on the 11th of Cheshvan, is a time to remember her enduring love and prayerful devotion for our people. In honor of this day, we're introducing a heartfelt and creative craft project that allows children to connect with her legacy: a Torn Paper Mosaic of Kever Rochel.

Materials Needed:

Rochel Imeinu's Kever Template (you can purchase it here)

Colored Construction Paper (assorted colors)

Glue stick 


Markers or colored pencils (optional for additional detailing)


Step 1: Download the Template

Start by printing the Kever Rochel template on white cardstock. 

Step 2: Tear and Sort Paper

Give children a variety of colored construction paper and encourage them to tear it into small, irregular pieces. This part is not only fun but also allows for creativity in choosing colors and shapes. If the students are younger, you can help them with this step. I gave each child different colored paper cut into smaller sizes.

Step 3: Arrange Torn Paper Pieces

Have the children sort the torn paper pieces by color. This step promotes organization and helps in planning the mosaic design.

Step 4: Begin Pasting

Starting with one section of the Kever Rochel template, apply a thin layer of glue using a paintbrush or a glue stick. Then, begin placing the torn paper pieces onto the glued area. Let the torn edges overlap to create a textured effect.

Step 5: Continue and Detail

Repeat this process section by section. As the children work on the mosaic, they can add small details or use markers or colored pencils for additional embellishments, such as the surrounding landscape or a heartfelt message.

Step 6: Let It Dry

Allow the mosaic to dry completely. This could take a few hours to ensure that all the pieces are securely attached.

Creating a Torn Paper Mosaic of Kever Rochel is a touching and creative way for children to connect with the matriarch and her yartzeit. This craft project not only fosters artistic expression but also provides an opportunity to learn about and reflect on the enduring love and devotion of Rochel Imeinu. It's a meaningful and beautiful tribute to a beloved figure in Jewish history.

kever rochel packet for yud alef cheshvan

This yartzeit, as we remember Rochel Imeinu and her legacy, engage in this craft with children and explore the profound connection to our matriarch. May her memory continue to inspire love and unity in our hearts.
