
Welcome to my site!

Welcome to all who are finding my page! I haven't updated in a very long time, but I would like to start again. What are you interested in? I've taught preschool for 9 years and have many ideas and activities. Please comment below and let me know what you'd like to see. Looking forward to hearing from you!

What would you like to see??

Seeing as my 6 Days of Creation post is pretty popular, I'd like to focus more on what you want to see. What sort of ideas can I help you with? Which themes, topics, ideas? Leave a comment and let me know, I'll do my best to answer!

Purim Ideas

Watch the story of Purim in 50 seconds featuring our adorable Purim puppets . This was our bulletin board. The children made their own Purim characters and depictions of the 4 mitzvot of Purim. Each shape is another Mitzvah and the puppets in the middle are the different Purim characters. Underneath, the children wrote the name of the person they created. Purim bulletin board Our highlight!! The children loved creating these. It was a 3 week process. The students created them however they wished. I set out trays of different things they could use for eyes, nose, mouth, hair. I had different crowns they were able to trace and decide which one they wanted to use and different color paper. The tail on Vashti is a pipe cleaner. This was an absolute hit! For our Graggers, we decorated water bottles with cut streamers. We then tested different sounds by filling a variety of containers with beans, rice, magic nuudles, lentils, pompoms, beans and buttons. We tried to pre


We have created adorable and whimsical puppets, art and props to enhance your lessons. Right now it's available as a complete set for the first book of the Torah, Sefer Beraishit (Genesis). We will have the 6 days of creation available on its own soon. Be sure to check it out! We also have coloring sheets. Click Here  for the puppets and props. Click Here  for the coloring sheets. Here are some activities I have done while teaching the 6 days of creation in my classroom: I used these bags to introduce and teach the 6 days of Creation, you can see in the photo what items I placed in each numbered bag. 1) flashlight 2) water bottle 3) flowers, trees 4) sun, moon, stars 5) fish, birds 6) animals, man and woman, mirror (G-d created people, us) 7) kiddush cup Day 1 exploration: Exploring light and shadows with flashlights. We made shadow portraits by tracing the shadow of our face with chalk on black construction paper. Day 7 Activity: Matching different types of candles to


Credit goes to  Jewish Montessori Activities  for the template for this fabulous game. Check out her fantastic website . Perfect for getting those little fingers coordinated. The kids had to clip on the numbered clothespin to the correct section of animals. Noah's Ark out of Lego!!! Sink or Float? The kids chose different objects from around the classroom and guessed whether it would sink or float. Then we tested it and graphed the results. The boys made this Teiva - Ark. After they were done, I showed them an image of a rainbow, and they drew their own on top of the Ark. Click here  to download the free Teiva template. I've used this plush Ark and animals for years. My kids love it. (Amazon affiliate link)


You need milk, food coloring, q-tips and dish-washing soap. Pour the milk in a plate and put in a drop of each color of the food coloring. Dip the q-tip into the soap and place it in the center of the plate. Watch the colors swirl together!


The children had to match the cones to the correct topping. On the other side I put capital and lower case letters for them to match up.


We made flowers using cupcake liners and all sorts of decorative items. They came out really pretty! We sorted flowers according to color. We covered paper towel rolls and the children had to place the flowers into the correct color 'vase'.


We made a circle collage with all different items