
Parshas Chayei Sara

Click here to purchase our adorable puppets and props set for sefer beraishit. Here is a quick 30 second summary of the parsha featuring our puppets available for download. We learned all about camels, how much water they drink. We learned about the 3 miracles of Sara's tent and focused on Challah. To bring out the point of how much work it was for Rivka to gather enough water for 10 camels, I had students come up and spoon water out of a bucket into a small "trough". They saw how long it took and I said, can you imagine how much work it was for Rivka to feed all these camels?!! Parshas Chayei Sara Crafts We made camel handprints and use a paintbrush to create the humps. When it was dry, we added a face, tail and trough with marker. We also focused on the number 10 and sequenced camels from 1-10. We created Sarah's tent. They traced a triangle and cut it out. placed "clouds" made of cotton balls on the tent. The candles are made of pipe c

Parshas Vayera ideas

Parshat Vayera in 30 seconds    Check out our teaching aids for parshat Vayera and the entire Sefer Beraishit. Print these adorable characters and turn them into puppets to enhance your lessons.  Click the link here to purchase this adorable set. Parshas Vayera Summary For Parshas Vayera, we focused on the mitzvah of hachnasas orchim, inviting guests and bikur cholim, visiting the sick. Avraham was 99 years old when he had a bris mila. Avraham loved to do the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim - inviting guests and had many guests. Avraham’s tent had 4 doors so that guests would be able to come in from all directions. He would give them food and drink and teach them to thank Hashem for what He gives us.  Avraham had a special tree. The guests would sit under the tree. If they were good people, the tree would give them shade. If they served idols, the branches would not spread out and give them shade.  Avraham wasn’t feeling well after his bris, so Hashem made it extra hot so that there woul

Parshas Lech Lecha

Check out our teaching aids for Parshat Lech Lecha and the entire Sefer Beraishit. Print these adorable characters and turn them into puppets to enhance your lessons.  Click here  to download. Parshas Lech Lecha We started learning about Avraham Avinu. When Avram was a little boy, he was looking for Hashem. He thought that maybe the sun was Hashem, but the moon pushed the sun away. Avram realized that Hashem is the One that created everything, and that Hashem is everywhere.  We heard about how everyone served idols including Avraham’s father, Terach. Avram broke all the idols in his father’s store and how he said that the biggest idol broke them all. Terach was very upset at him and took him to Nimrod. Nimrod put Avram in jail for 10 years. After that he asked Avram if he believes in the idols and Avram said, “NO!” They tied Avraham’s hands and feet with rope, and threw him into the fire. A big miracle happened and only the ropes burned. Avram was walking around the fire in which a bea