
Shavuot Puppets, Crafts, Books and Activities

Download  our Shavuos puppets to help you bring Shavuos and Megillas Rus to life in a captivating, visual way. Click here  for our Shavuos DIY puppets/coloring pages. Scroll down to see a list of Shavuot books for kids. Story of Shavuot We learned all about Shavuos. Starting off with Hashem looking for a mountain to give the Torah on. Hashem chose Mt. Sinai because she didn’t say that she’s the best and the prettiest and the biggest. She was humble and we can learn from her.  Then we learned how Hashem was looking for a nation to give the Torah to. Each nation wanted to know what was in the Torah and then said that they can’t follow it. When Hashem came to the Jewish people, we said na'aseh v'nishma, we want the Torah and we will keep it, now please tell us what is written inside. The angels complained that the Torah should stay in heaven, but Hashem said that they are not people and cannot keep the mitzvos. Hashem wanted a guarantor that the Torah will be kept. The Jewish peo

Lag Ba'omer Activities, crafts and puppets

Watch the story of Rabbi Shimon in 30 seconds featuring our Lag Ba'omer puppets . Download  our Lag Ba'omer puppets to help you tell the story of Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Story of Rabbi Akiva We heard the story of Rabbi Akiva. How he didn’t even know the alef beis when he  was 40 years old. His wife, Rochel, encouraged him to learn Torah. One day he saw a rock with a hole in it from constant water dripping on it. He said "if a rock is so hard, and water so soft, but from constant dripping it can create a hole in the rock, then my brain, too, can absorb Torah if I try. It’s never too late to start learning Torah! Lag Ba'omer and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai We learned about Lag Ba’omer. We heard the story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. How he had to hide from the Romans in a cave with his son, Rabbi Elazar for 12 years. Hashem made a miracle and a carob tree grew for them to eat, even though normally it takes 70 years to grow. A stream of water sprung up for th