Parshas Vayishlach

Here is a quick 20 second summary of the parsha featuring our puppets available for download.

Click here to download the adorable sefer beraishis puppets.

Parsha Summary

We learned that Yaakov was going back to Eretz Yisroel. He sent messengers to Esav and they came back saying that he was coming with 400 men.

Yaakov did 3 things: 1) He davened to Hashem 2) He sent Esav presents 3) He prepared for war. 

He helped his family cross over the river and he went back to get the jars that he forgot. An angel of Esav fought with him there. The angel hurt him on his thigh and we don’t eat the back half of a cow because of that. The angel changed his name to 'Yisroel' and told him that Esav will never overpower the yidden. We spoke about the Avos who had their names changed in the Torah and what the names mean.

Esav saw the presents and wasn’t so angry anymore.

He ran towards Yaakov and hugged and kissed him. Esav wanted to travel and live near Yaakov, but Yaakov decided not to. We discussed this and why we think Yaakov made this decision. Yaakov didn’t want to be in Esav’s company because he wasn’t doing the right thing. We applied this to our life by talking about playing “Yaakov” type games in the classroom and outside.

Click here for a parsha song.

Parsha Craft

In this week’s parsha, we learned the meaning of Yisroel and have spoken in previous parshas about the meaning of the name Yitzchak and Yaakov. We made a special project about our names. I asked the parents to send in special anecdotes about their child's name. Who they're named for and anything else special to add. 

I then printed each child a certificate with their name, its meaning and whatever the parents sent in. We printed it on large paper. The children decorated the border of their certificates (if they brought in photos of whom they were named for, they were able to add that as well) I laminated them before I sent them home.

Here is a copy of the text of the note:

Dear Parents,

This week we will be doing a project to do with our names. Please fill out this paper and send back to school with your child tomorrow.

Child’s full name (spelled in Hebrew): _______________________________

Who is your child named after? ______________________________

Meaning of the name: _______________________

Additional Comments: _____________________________________

Thank you!

Here are some samples: 
