Parshas Bo

Watch a 20 second summary of Parshat Bo. You can download these adorable puppets by clicking here! The set includes the entire Sefer Shemot. We also have coloring pages available here.

Bo Parsha Summary

I taught the children that every letter in the alef bet corresponds to a number. ב=2 and א=1 which equals 3. In this week’s parsha there are 3 Makkos - the numerical of equivalent of Bo is 3. We heard about Arbeh - locusts which came in a giant wind and ate up all the crops and food. Then there was Choshech - darkness. First the Egyptians couldn’t see anything and after 3 days, they were frozen in place. That’s when the Jewish people looked to see where they kept their gold and silver for when it would be time to take it when they left Egypt.  It’s also when Hashem punished the Jews that didn’t believe they would be taken out of Egypt or complained about it so that the Egyptians wouldn’t see that they were getting punished too. 

Hashem gave the Jewish people the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh. We learned how that was determined. Hashem also commanded the Jewish people to have a brit mila - circumcision and eat the Karban Pesach - the Pascal lamb. The Jews tied a sheep to their beds for 4 days and then slaughtered it. The sheep was an idol to the Egyptians and they got really angry, but couldn’t do anything to hurt the Jewish people. They painted their doorposts with the blood, that way the angel of death would pass over their house during the plague of the death of the firstborns. The Jewish people had to eat the karban pesach with their bags packed, ready to leave Egypt.

We finished learning how the Jewish people left with the riches of Egypt as Hashem promised Yaakov that the Jewish people would leave wealthy. The Jews left in the middle of the day so that everyone would see the great miracle. The dogs didn’t bark as the they left Egypt.

Parshas Bo Craft - 10 makkot / plagues

  • We finished our project on the 10 makkot - plagues of Egypt.

Here is a list of what we used for each plague:
1) We fingerpainted red for blood
2) We created frogs with green paper, googley eyes and markers
3) We used little black pompoms for lice and drew legs with marker
4) foam animal stickers for wild animals
5) Sick farm animals - Colored and cut a picture of a sick cow and glued a q-tip on their mouth as a thermometer
6) Boils - traced our hand and glued red dots from a hole puncher
7) Hail - cotton balls with red tissue paper as fire

We finished the project the week of  parshat bo.

8) Grashopper - we created clothespin grasshoppers. Here is a tutorial. 
9) Darkness - We painted the square black and glued on googely eyes.
10) Death of firstborn - we created a doorpost out of popsicle sticks and colored/painted it red.

10 plagues project for parshat va'era

10 plagues project for parshat va'era

10 plagues project for parshat va'era

10 plagues project for parshat va'era

10 plagues project for parshat va'era

Here is a closeup of the clothespin grasshopper we made for the plague of locusts

  • For the bulletin board, we had each group of students create a larger depiction of each plague on a piece of paper. Then I hung them on the bulletin board in a pyramid shape.

ten plagues of egypt bulletin board decor

Parsha Songs

Oh listen, oh listen, oh listen King פרעה

Oh listen, oh listen, let my people go

They want to go away

They work so hard all day

King פרעה, king פרעה

What do you say?


No, no, no

I will not let them go

Pharaoh in pajamas in the middle of the night

Pharaoh in pajamas in the middle of the night

Pharaoh in pajamas in the middle of the night

Oy oy oy oy oy oy!


 דם, צפרדע, כינים, ערוב, דבר, שחין,

ברד, ארבה, חושך, מכת בכורות

10 makos, makos 10, the mitzriyim

were punished again and again


The water is blood, all did shout
Frogs were jumping in and out
Bugs were crawling everywhere
Roar, wild animals were a scare
Then came Dever by and by
All the farm animals died
Sh’chin, boils and pimples too
On the Mitzrim, not the Jews

Ten Makos, Makos ten
The Mitzrim were punished
Again and again

Borod was fire and hail
In Mitzrayim a loud wail
Grasshoppers flying quick
Then the darkness very thick

Makas B’choros was the last
Paroh ran to Moshe fast
He was afraid to die, so…
He said, "let those Jews all go!"

Click here for to hear the recorded parsha song.

ממצרים גאלתנו

מבית עבדים פדיתנו

Here's another parsha song: Click here  
