Parshas Ki Sisa

Watch a 15 second summary of Parshat Ki Sisa. You can download these pictures of the mishkan by clicking here! The set includes the entire Sefer Shemot. We also have coloring pages available here.

Ki Sisa Parsha Summary and counting activity

We learned about the machatzis hashekel - half shekel coin that the Jewish people had to bring so they could be counted. We discussed how Hashem loves the Jewish people so much, He wanted to count them. Just like some of our friends count their rocks, shells, erasers or whatever they collect because they are special to us. So the Jewish people had to bring machatzis hashekel -half a shekel coin. We each got a coin and did our own counting of how many students and teachers there are in our class.

We played a counting game. We had to count the little people figures, so we gave each one a coin and then counted the coins. We then wrote the number on our number strip.

We saw pictures of the kiyor - the wash basin that the Kohanim used to wash their hands and feet and reviewed the items in the mishkan. We learned about netillas yadayim - washing our hands in the morning -  that we do to remember how the kohanim had to wash their hands and feet before they did the avodah - work in the Beis Hamikdash.


Parsha Songs

Click here for a parsha song.

The Jews were waiting they counted the days wrong
It seemed as if Moshe was away so long
"Where is Moshe? We all want to know"
B’nei Yisroel cried to Aharon so

Aharon told the Jews, he wanted them to wait
He knew that Moshe was not late,
He asked them all to bring jewelry of gold
They quickly did all that they were told

Aharon threw all the gold and jewelry into the flame
Then an egel it became
Moshe was angry at the Jews when he came down
He threw the luchos onto the ground

Moshe begged Hashem, Bnei Yisroel to forgive
Those that did t’shuva, should live

