
Showing posts with the label puppets

Parshas Shemos

Watch a 30 second summary of Parshat Shemot. You can download these adorable puppets by clicking here ! The set includes the entire Sefer Shemot. We also have coloring pages available here . Shemot Parsha Summary Pharaoh didn’t like that the Jews were having so many babies, so he tricked them into being his slaves and make them work very hard. The Jews had to build pyramids and all week we’ve been busy building pyramids out of all different things. We made pyramids out of blocks, lego, rings and even drew them on the white boards. Pharaoh decreed that the baby boys had to be thrown into the river because the astrologers told him that a Jewish boy would be born that would take the Jewish people out of Egypt.  Hashem made a miracle and angels took care of the boys and gave them rocks with milk and honey. Yocheved had a baby boy that she hid for 3 months. When he was born, the house was filled with light. Then she painted a basket with tar on the outside and put the baby in it and put it

Parshas Vayeishev

  Here is a quick 20 second summary of the parsha featuring our puppets available for download. Click here  to download the adorable sefer beraishis puppets. Parsha Summary In this week's parsha, we learn about Yosef's 2 dreams. In one, the sun, moon and stars are all bowing down to him, and in the other, the stalks of wheat are bowing to his center stalk. Yaakov also makes Yosef a special colored coat. His brothers get jealous and conspire to get rid of him. First they throw him in a pit and then he gets sold to Egyptians. In Egypt while working for Potiphar, Yosef gets thrown in jail. There, he meets the king's baker and butler. He interprets their dreams for them. Click here  for a parsha song. Parsha Craft Being that there isn't much time to teach parsha this week, as we're busy with getting ready for Chanukah, we did a short and easy craft. Yosef's Colored Coat Materials needed: outline of a coat colored tape scissors I gave the kids an outline of a coat,

Chanukah puppets, décor, coloring pages and Chanukah party activities!

  Click here to see the story of Chanukah in 30 seconds told with our Chanukah puppets available for purchase. Introducing adorable Chanukah puppets to help you tell the story of Chanukah! I've always wanted puppets and pictures to help tell the story and finally, we have created them!  This amazing packet has puppets for all the main characters of Chanukah. Antiochus, the Greek army, the Maccabis, Matisyahu and Yehudah Maccabi, Yehudis and Helifornis and Chana and her 7 sons. There are also images of the different Chanukah customs. Doughnuts, gelt, dreidel, menorah and more! There are large ones for you to decorate your bulletin boards and smaller ones to use as props while teaching. The adorable and whimsical Chanukah art will be loved and adored by your students and bring the story to life in a visual way. In these Coloring pages, we have many of the puppets and images for your students to create their own puppets or color as they please. Also makes a great activity for your Cha

Parshas Toldos

Yaakov and Eisav Puppets Download our Yaakov and Esav puppets for your students to decorate and bring home! They'll feel empowered retelling the story of the parsha to their families.    Parshas Toldos in 30 seconds View this week's parsha video in 30 seconds featuring our parsha puppets available for purchase. Parsha Summary We learned that Yitzchak and Rivka didn’t have children for many years and they prayed to Hashem. Rivka had twin boys.  We talked about twins. Some are identical, others fraternal. We asked the students to share if they have twins in their family. I was able to have a parent bring in their twin babies for the class to see.  Esav was born red and hairy and Yaakov was born smooth. Esav loved to hunt and Yaakov loved to learn Torah. They were not identical! We learned about the red lentil soup that Yaakov was cooking. Esav came in hungry and said, “Give me soup”. He didn’t say please. Yaakov said “I’ll give you soup if you sell me the bechora“. Esav said,

Parshas Vayera ideas

Parshat Vayera in 30 seconds    Check out our teaching aids for parshat Vayera and the entire Sefer Beraishit. Print these adorable characters and turn them into puppets to enhance your lessons.  Click the link here to purchase this adorable set. Parshas Vayera Summary For Parshas Vayera, we focused on the mitzvah of hachnasas orchim, inviting guests and bikur cholim, visiting the sick. Avraham was 99 years old when he had a bris mila. Avraham loved to do the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim - inviting guests and had many guests. Avraham’s tent had 4 doors so that guests would be able to come in from all directions. He would give them food and drink and teach them to thank Hashem for what He gives us.  Avraham had a special tree. The guests would sit under the tree. If they were good people, the tree would give them shade. If they served idols, the branches would not spread out and give them shade.  Avraham wasn’t feeling well after his bris, so Hashem made it extra hot so that there woul


We have created adorable and whimsical puppets, art and props to enhance your lessons. Right now it's available as a complete set for the first book of the Torah, Sefer Beraishit (Genesis). We will have the 6 days of creation available on its own soon. Be sure to check it out! We also have coloring sheets. Click Here  for the puppets and props. Click Here  for the coloring sheets. Here are some activities I have done while teaching the 6 days of creation in my classroom: I used these bags to introduce and teach the 6 days of Creation, you can see in the photo what items I placed in each numbered bag. 1) flashlight 2) water bottle 3) flowers, trees 4) sun, moon, stars 5) fish, birds 6) animals, man and woman, mirror (G-d created people, us) 7) kiddush cup Day 1 exploration: Exploring light and shadows with flashlights. We made shadow portraits by tracing the shadow of our face with chalk on black construction paper. Day 7 Activity: Matching different types of candles to