
Showing posts with the label Parsha

Parshas Shemos

Watch a 30 second summary of Parshat Shemot. You can download these adorable puppets by clicking here ! The set includes the entire Sefer Shemot. We also have coloring pages available here . Shemot Parsha Summary Pharaoh didn’t like that the Jews were having so many babies, so he tricked them into being his slaves and make them work very hard. The Jews had to build pyramids and all week we’ve been busy building pyramids out of all different things. We made pyramids out of blocks, lego, rings and even drew them on the white boards. Pharaoh decreed that the baby boys had to be thrown into the river because the astrologers told him that a Jewish boy would be born that would take the Jewish people out of Egypt.  Hashem made a miracle and angels took care of the boys and gave them rocks with milk and honey. Yocheved had a baby boy that she hid for 3 months. When he was born, the house was filled with light. Then she painted a basket with tar on the outside and put the baby in it and put it

Parshas Vayigash

  Here is a quick 20 second summary of the parsha featuring our puppets available for download. Click here  to download the adorable sefer beraishis puppets. Click here  for a parsha song. Parsha Craft Serach's Harp Here is an easy harp project to make for Parshat Vayigash. Materials needed: popsicle sticks rubber bands markers glue This project needs to be completed over 2 days to give time for the harp to dry. Every child needs 3 1/2 popsicle sticks. You can cut the stick in half with scissors. Have the kids color the popsicle sticks. Line up the sticks and glue each corner with the shorter stick at the top. Lay it to dry and don't touch until it's really dry! The next day, have the kids place 4 rubber bands on the harp to make the harp strings.

Parshas Vayeishev

  Here is a quick 20 second summary of the parsha featuring our puppets available for download. Click here  to download the adorable sefer beraishis puppets. Parsha Summary In this week's parsha, we learn about Yosef's 2 dreams. In one, the sun, moon and stars are all bowing down to him, and in the other, the stalks of wheat are bowing to his center stalk. Yaakov also makes Yosef a special colored coat. His brothers get jealous and conspire to get rid of him. First they throw him in a pit and then he gets sold to Egyptians. In Egypt while working for Potiphar, Yosef gets thrown in jail. There, he meets the king's baker and butler. He interprets their dreams for them. Click here  for a parsha song. Parsha Craft Being that there isn't much time to teach parsha this week, as we're busy with getting ready for Chanukah, we did a short and easy craft. Yosef's Colored Coat Materials needed: outline of a coat colored tape scissors I gave the kids an outline of a coat,

Parshas Vayechi

Here is a quick 15 second summary of parshas vayechi featuring our puppets available for download. Click here to download the adorable sefer beraishis puppets. Our Sefer Shemos puppets are here!  Click here  to download our beautiful puppets and props for the entire Sefer Shemos! Click here for a parsha song. Parsha Summary Yaakov lived in Mitzrayim for 17 years and was very happy surrounded by all his children. It was coming time for Yaakov to pass away and he wanted to bless his children. He called in Yosef with his sons, Menashe and Efraim. Menashe was the firstborn but Yaakov switched his hands and put his right hand on Efraim’s head because Yehoshua would come from Efraim and bring the Jews into Eretz Yisroel. We demonstrated this whole scene and learned to identify our right and left hands. We’ve been using our "Efraim hand" for Shema and to make a bracha. The right hand is more special so we use it to make a bracha unless you’re a lefty.  We learned what the b

Parshas Vayishlach

Here is a quick 20 second summary of the parsha featuring our puppets available for download. Click here to download the adorable sefer beraishis puppets. Parsha Summary We learned that Yaakov was going back to Eretz Yisroel. He sent messengers to Esav and they came back saying that he was coming with 400 men. Yaakov did 3 things: 1) He davened to Hashem 2) He sent Esav presents 3) He prepared for war.  He helped his family cross over the river and he went back to get the jars that he forgot. An angel of Esav fought with him there. The angel hurt him on his thigh and we don’t eat the back half of a cow because of that. The angel changed his name to 'Yisroel' and told him that Esav will never overpower the yidden. We spoke about the Avos who had their names changed in the Torah and what the names mean. Esav saw the presents and wasn’t so angry anymore. He ran towards Yaakov and hugged and kissed him. Esav wanted to travel and live near Yaakov, but Yaakov decided not to. We dis

Parshas Vayeitzei

View this week's parsha video in 30 seconds featuring our parsha puppets available for purchase . Parsha summary We learned that Yaakov ran away to Charan because Esav wanted to hurt him. He stopped off at the yeshiva of shem and ever for 14 years. Then he traveled to Charan . On the way, Hashem made the sun set as he got to Har Hamoriah so he davened ma'ariv . Before he went to sleep, he placed 12 stones around his head to protect him. All the stones wanted to be under his head, so Hashem merged them all into 1 stone. Yaakov had a dream of a ladder with malachim  going up and down. The angels coming down were coming to protect him in Charan . Hashem promised Yaakov that his children will be as many as the stars in the sky and the sand on the ground.  Yaakov went to Charan . When he got there, he saw the shepherds standing around the well which had a large stone covering it. Yaakov lifted off the stone as if it wasn’t heavy. He met Rochel and asked her if he can stay in Lavn&

Parshas Toldos

Yaakov and Eisav Puppets Download our Yaakov and Esav puppets for your students to decorate and bring home! They'll feel empowered retelling the story of the parsha to their families.    Parshas Toldos in 30 seconds View this week's parsha video in 30 seconds featuring our parsha puppets available for purchase. Parsha Summary We learned that Yitzchak and Rivka didn’t have children for many years and they prayed to Hashem. Rivka had twin boys.  We talked about twins. Some are identical, others fraternal. We asked the students to share if they have twins in their family. I was able to have a parent bring in their twin babies for the class to see.  Esav was born red and hairy and Yaakov was born smooth. Esav loved to hunt and Yaakov loved to learn Torah. They were not identical! We learned about the red lentil soup that Yaakov was cooking. Esav came in hungry and said, “Give me soup”. He didn’t say please. Yaakov said “I’ll give you soup if you sell me the bechora“. Esav said,

Parshas Noach - Noah's Ark resources and links

Parshas Noach in 15 seconds featuring our Parsha Puppets. Check out our teaching aids for parshat noach and the entire Sefer Beraishit. Print these adorable characters and turn them into puppets to enhance your lessons. Click here  to download. Parshas Noach Summary Hashem wanted to bring a mabul on the world because the people were not acting the way they should. Noach built a teiva and it took him a long time to build. Hashem wanted the people to ask Noach why he was building it so that they’ll do teshuva, but instead the people just laughed at Noach. From this we learn that we should always stand up and do the right thing even if it’s not so popular, just like Noach did! We learned what was on each of the Teiva's 3 floors, how many animals of each kind went into the teiva, and that the mabul lasted for 40 days. We learned about how Noach sent out the dove to see if the world was dry enough to come out of the teiva. Hashem sent a rainbow as a sign that He will never destroy the w